Hi Fi Tone 通搬迁启示∶
新店地址∶ 九龙观塘道436-446号观塘工业大厦四期12楼F室
电话∶23844301 / 94559865
* 本店提供家居, 商业, 学校, 大会堂等团体之影音工程, 专人上门调声及专业顾问服务, 用最合理价钱而又可即时提升阁下之影音系统。 We also provide professional AV & HiFi equipment installion, design and consultancy Service, including Home Theatre, Schools, stadium...etc.
It produces high-end and very focus sound. Best sound in the market for the size. Ideal for AV multi channels and computer CAS sound systems. 3 colors available.
"..The Aurum Cantus V2M did one very impressive thing that no other speaker I've reviewed has. Its sound was so realistic, detailed, and coherent that, with every recording I tried, the music grabbed me and forced me to focus on it.." by Stereophile 2009
Demo unit clearance in Hi Fi Tone Kowloon Bay, for details please call 852-23844301.
全新 JAS HA3000 / 2000 / 1000 AC稳压器
JAS HA3000/2000/1000 AC Automatic Power Regulator
New aluminium AC Voltage LED Display Block & new aluminium wall outlet
06 / 2010
JAS BRAVO micro - 3.5", 二路同轴音箱新登场
NewJAS BRAVO micro - 3.5" , two way coxial speakers
K . O . 小王子
JAS AUDIO全新系列Bravo Mini Monitor 扬声器已隆重登场,欢迎各位莅临参观选购!
JAS AUDIO proudly announce launch of a whole new series of budget price Bravo Mini Monitor speakers. All models are sitting in our showroom. Please come by and spend some time with them.
全新清华电源净化器TW-D1000 已登陆小店。经影音杂志测试,获评价为5粒星抵用指数。详见第498期E ZONE杂志。
The brand new model TW-D1000 Power Filter Plant developed by G&W arrivers in our showroom lately.
The product is high commended as “best buy” and was given a 5-star rating in review published by “E ZONE”.
We proudly present JUNGSON Ribbon Super Tweeters in our showroom for audition. Please contact us for further details on their effectiveness in enhancing your hi-fi system.
We are proudly announced Elite's "Performance"series of speakers.
Please contact us for further details.
Special and natural silk materials with gap that has different depths for an ideal diffusion and tuning.
JAS Audio is proudly launched all new best buy Bravo tube amp series and is now available at Hi Fi Tone. Please visit our MongKok Showroom for audition !
此卡有效期至: 31 MARCH 2008
⊙选购美国 ZION 线材可获折扣优惠;
⊙选购美国JAS-AUDIO (捷思音响) 书架扬声器系列任何一款音箱,除可获15%折扣外,
⊙选购美国JAS-AUDIO (捷思音响) 座地扬声器系任何一款音箱,列除可获15%折扣外
⊙选购美国JAS-AUDIO (捷思音响) 全新BRAVO 胆系列任何一款扩音机,除可获特别
折扣外,更可获赠指定ZION 高级电源线 1条;
* 以上条款得以随时修订而不作预先通知,如有任何争议,HI-FI 通保留最终定权;
* 本店将不断推出新产品及继续奉上无尽优惠,
详情请留意本公司网站 www.hi-fi-tone.com
HI-FI 通示
陈列货品特价优惠 Demo Unit Clearance
Hi Fi 通旺角店陈列货品大优惠, 小店一年只一次陈列减价, 为免向隅, 欲购从速!
Demo unit clearance in Hi Fi Tone Mongkok, for details please call 852-23844301.
Hi Fi Tone proudly announce opening of our overseas offices and showrooms on the west coast, US. All Hi Fi fans are most welcome to visit our showrooms for audition and exchange of ideas. Those who are
interested in setting up/contemplating expansion of their Hi Fi business are also cordially invited to
join our partnership programs as business partners or distributors in the US. Please click “contact us”
icon for details of contact address and telephone numbers.
矽谷陈列室照片 Silicon Valley Showroom :
洛杉矶陈列室照片 Los Angeles. Showroom :
大家好! 谢谢各位贵客过去一年多的支持, Hi Fi 通旗舰店将于十月一日在以下地址试业 :
正式开幕酒会谨定于2004年10月24日下午1时正, 欢迎各位新知旧雨拨冗莅临 !
联络电话及传真均维持不变 !
请注意! 近日发现有不良商人以自制"Huayun"金牌贴在华韵CD-1.6 之上冒称为"出口版", 特此严正声明, 华韵电子有限公司在香港只有Hi Fi Tone为唯一独家总代理, 华韵的CD-1.6SE 出口版亦只有在Hi Fi Tone有售, 本公司及华韵电子有限公司对那些售卖"冒牌货"的公司保留法律的追究权利。
Attention please! Recently its been discovered that there are some Audio shops in Hong Kong selling the China version Huayun CD-1.6 with the "Huayun" gold metal plate on to camouflage the genuine Huayun CD-1.6 SE. The fact is, "Hi Fi Tone" is the one and only sole distributor of Huayun product in Hong Kong, Huayun CD-1.6 SE is only for export out of China and is supplied only to Hi Fi Tone, Hi Fi Tone is the only channel to buy the Huayun CD-1.6 SE. Hi Fi Tone and Huayun electronic company ltd. remains the right for legal action.
Please note that there is no other Hong Kong Distributor of Aurum Cantus except Hi Fi Tone. By the way, there is no other shops in Hong Kong or China carrying the Leisure II Deluxe Export Version. In China, shops are only carrying Leisure II Deluxe Version, but not the export version. The bass unit of the Export Version is Dark Grey in colour, each crossover is using 2 M-Cap German capacitor. The bass unit of Leisure II deluxe (not the export version) is black in colour without M-Cap inside the crossover. For details, please call on us at 852-23844321 or send email to us enquiry@hi-fi-tone.com or visit our shop at our business hours. Thank you for your kind attention !
经过漫长的筹备工作,『 Hi Fi 通』终于在各方好友及主内弟兄姊妹们的祝福声之下于6月22日正式开业。多谢当日各位的莅临支持,你们的礼物,花篮,一声声的支持,我们都会铭记于心。在整个筹备开业的过程中实在有数不尽的恩典,以致我们虽然身心俱疲,但是却是充满喜乐。但愿『 Hi Fi 通』在将来能够成为音响爱好者的聚脚点,让大家互相交流切磋,分享心得,成为真真正正的『 Hi Fi 通』。
Serving the utmost is our priority ! Sincerity is the best presentation before our customers !
Dear Valued Customers,
Do share your experience of satisfaction of service that delivered by us with all your friends and relatives. In the event that you have suggestions for
improvement, please feel free to give us your invaluable comments. We are dedicated to serving our customers through continuous improvement.